Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Binge drinking

According to one of my male friends one of the reasons he likes a drink is because all the women in the world look attractive when he is under the influence! I have to say I do not think it works when a woman gets drunk (that is all the men do not suddenly become attractive). Alcohol has been used a an aid to socialisation for years and is considered a legal and safe way for people to unwind and enjoy each others company. The term Binge drinking has been used by the media massively in recent years and is often associated by images of young people who are paralytic. The British culture for drinking seems to carry with it a reputation for violence and anti social behaviour.

The NHS state binge drinking is if an individual consumes two times the recommended amount of alcohol in a day. This would be over 8 units for men and 6 for women. Talk about a laugh that makes most the people I know serious Binge drinkers. For me if you can manage to not drink at a social function and you are happy to do so that is fine. Please do not expect me to do the same though. I will not condemn you for abstaining and I do not expect you to condemn me for participating.

1 comment:

  1. I don’t agree with you but defiantly agree with your male friend. I think that when you drink alcohol, you become more attracted to the opposite sex as they appear to be more attractive. Have you never pulled someone which you thought was as good looking as Brad Pitt but when you see them again they look more like Phil Mitchel from Eastenders.

    Also binge drinking definitely isn’t just young people; I’ve seen a lot of old people paralytic .British culture in all ages has a high reputation for violence and anti social behaviour. Allot of police are outside bars and clubs at night.

    Yes Alcohol is a great socialising aid and does help you unwind. It’s exactly what I will turn to with my friends when I’ve handed in my last essay. And that’s why if me and my friends compared ourselves to the recommended NHS daily amount we’d all be seen as alcoholics and binge drinkers. Because we drink often and in large quantities.
