Thursday, 15 April 2010

Response to Dawn's response to What you looking at.


I agree with Dawn on this. I think is often the case that you only have to have a crossed word with someone or even disagree with them, when suddenly you are being accused of being a bully. The term is bounded around in my children's school so much that even my four year old knows the word. Society is co convinced that it needs to conform to every rule that it often overlooks that it is human nature that individuals will not always get along.

Whilst I strongly disagree that people should not go out of their way to bully others I do agree that without stronger characters who lead by example, our society would be a complete mess. We need some leaders and some followers in adult life and our children are just the same.

A key factor in considering if you are being bullied is if the tactics used are persist and deliberate. If they are then yes it is bullying but if you are being reprimanded for not doing your job, or have been told off for being late when you are always late then it is not bulling.

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