Saturday, 2 April 2011

Obesity surgery.

I have tried and tried to loose weight. I have now decided that I need help with it and so am considering obesity surgery. I feel guilty that I seem unable to sort this out without resulting to such a drastic measure, however, I know I need help and after several consultations at different hospitals I have found somewhere I trust and feel comfortable with. The decision now is gastric balloon or gastric bypass. The balloon is less invasive and less costly but will only assist me to loose about 60% of my excess weight. It also requires maintenance for life and will cost around £150 to £200 each time I wish to have it adjusted. On the other hand I have the option of the bypass, this is a longer more invasive operation which will result in a weight loss of around 75% which is much more what I wish to achieve. The down side is it has many risk factors and is double the initial cost. On the plus side it requires less long term maintenance than the band. Taking into consideration my age (39) I will hopefully live with either for a long time so a biog part of me feels the bypass is the better option. I have discussed it with my GP who has been very supportive and feels the bypass is the better option. I really wish I could do this without surgery but as I have been trying to for so many years and have failed so many times I now feel this is my only alternative. I want to loose weight not just for vanity but because it has a disabiling effect on me and I have seen how my Mom and Grandmar both suffered through exactly the same problem. I need to sort it out and need good constructive advice regarding it.

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